procurar a partir do seu ponto de localização

pesquisar a partir da especialidade médica

Clinico Geral











Dentista Pediatra






Medicina Psicossomática



Departamento Geral
precisamos de colaboradores.
de Niigata para todo o país. Nós criamos uma comunicação agradável com a comunidade e os estrangeiros que nos visitam frequentemente. Você pode patrocinar com uma contribuição a partir de 1000 ienes mensais. Por que não se junta a nós para ser colaborador do projeto e estreitar a relação com os estrangeiros.
Se você se tornar um dos nossos colaboradores.
Se você se tornar um colaborador do projeto, será convidado para uma comunidade exclusiva para membros. Você pode participar do projeto juntos. Por favor, dê a chance para que as suas ideias e criatividade possam contribuir ao nosso projeto. Você também pode participar de sessões de treinamento e eventos regulares. Também iremos informá-lo sobre relatórios de atividades e informações exclusivas para membros.
para ser membro colaborador associado do projeto, solicitamos uma contribuição mensal de 1000 ienes, e se desejar ser um cooperador empresarial, contacte nos.
Colaboradores de: empresas e organizações e individual.

Agradecemos seu apoio por meio de crowdfunding.

Nosso projeto está sendo apoiado por programas de NPO´s .

Estamos colaborando como uma propaganda social. Se você inserir o código do cupom "HLPY" no momento do pagamento, 5% do valor da venda será pago ao projeto.

Nosso projeto está sendo apoiado por programas de NPO´s .

Agradecemos seu apoio por meio de crowdfunding.
Agradecemos seu apoio por meio de crowdfunding.

Agradecemos seu apoio por meio de crowdfunding.

Agradecemos seu apoio por meio de crowdfunding.
This agreement describes our policies that HELP YOU PROJECT “The Organization” provides this application services “The Services.”
Article 1 Operation of the Terms
The Services aim for international people in Japan when being sick or injured to search clinics and hospitals that provide multinational medical treatment. Please read the Terms carefully before using the Services. Users can use this application only when getting consent of this Terms of Use.
Article 2 Changes to the Terms
The Organization reserves the right at any time and from time to time to change the Terms without notice. Your continued use of the Services following the posting of any changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.
Article 3 Changes to the Services
The Organization reserves the right at any time and from time to time to change or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services without notice. The Organization shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of the Services.
Article 4 Compliance of the Terms
Users shall comply the Terms when using the Services.
Article 5 Preparation of equipment
Users shall prepare cell phones, PCs or softwares and set up internet connection at user’s expenses and risks. The organization shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any damage caused to the User by malfunctions when using these devices or networks of computer.
Article 6 Copyrights
- All copyrights relating to contents of the Services (personal information, text, illustration and design) and any intellectual property rights shall belong to the Organization.
- Reproduction, assignment, renting, translation, modification, reprinting, public transmission, distribution, publication and commercial use of these content or the Services without permission, is prohibited.
Article 7 Prohibitions
Users shall not engage in the following acts when using this application.
- Actions that violate laws and regulations or public order and morals
- Actions related to criminal activities
- Destroying, interfering with, or infringing on the functionality of the servers or networks of the organization, our service, other users of the Service, or third parties.
- Actions that interfere with or may interfere with the operation of the organization or our services.
- Actions that damage or may damage the reputation of the organization or our service.
- Collecting or storing personal information about other users.
- Acts of unauthorized access or attempts to do so.
- Impersonating other users.
- Directly or indirectly providing benefits to antisocial forces, in relation to the organization or our service.
- Actions that damage the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy, honor, or other rights or interests of the organization, other users of our service, or third parties.
- Actions that cause or may cause disadvantage, economic damage, or mental damage to the Organization or our service.
- Posting or transmitting any content on our service that includes or is deemed by the organization to include the following expressions
- Excessively violent expressions
- Explicit sexual expressions
- Expressions that lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, family origin, etc.
- Expressions that induce or encourage suicide, self-injurious behavior, or drug abuse
- Other expressions that contain antisocial content and cause discomfort to others.
- Actions that are for the purpose of, or the organization deems to be for the purpose of the following
- Sales, advertising, solicitation, and other commercial activities (except when approved by the Organization)
- Actions for the purpose of sexual or indecent behavior
- Activities for the purpose of meeting or dating someone of the opposite sex whom you do not know.
- Actions that aim to harass or slander other users
- Actions that aim to cause disadvantage, damage, or discomfort to the Organization, other users of the Service, or third parties.
- Use of the Service for any other purpose that is different from the purpose of use planned by the Service.
- Religious activities or solicitation to join a religious organization
- Any other actions that the Organization deems inappropriate.
Article 8 Cancellation of Registration
- If any of the prohibitions set forth in the Terms of Use are applicable, the Organization may delete the posted data without prior notice.
- The Organization shall not be liable for any damage caused to the User by the acts of the Organization in accordance with this Article.
Article 9 Suspension of Provision of the Service
- The Organization may suspend or discontinue the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User in the event that the Organization deems any of the following reasons to exist.
- When performing maintenance, inspection, or updating of computer systems related to this service.
- When the provision of this service becomes difficult due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning strikes, fires, power outages, or natural disasters.
- In the event of a computer or communication line outage due to an accident, etc.
- In other events where the Organization judges that it is difficult to provide the Service.
- The Organization shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by users or third parties due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of the Service.
Article 10 Disclaimers
- The organization makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents based on the most current information available. However, we do not guarantee that the contents on this service are accurate and complete at all times. For this reason, the User are requested to make decisions about visiting a medical institution or using a telephone consultation or ambulance at their own risk based on the contents posted on this service.
- The emergency telephone consultation in this service is based on information from the Niigata Prefecture Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs Division. Please note that this information does not apply to other prefectures.
- The way to call for an ambulance in this app may differ from the on-the-spot judgment of the operator or emergency team when you actually call for an ambulance. Please understand this beforehand.
- The Organization shall not be liable for any damages, transactions, communications, disputes, etc. between you and other users or third parties arising out of or in connection with the Service. The User shall resolve such disputes at their own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any damage to the Organization.
Article 11 Prohibition of Assignment of Rights and Obligations
The User may not assign or pledge to any third party his/her position in the User Agreement or rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Organization.
Article 12 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
- The use of this service and the interpretation and application of these terms of use shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
- All disputes arising in connection with this service shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Niigata District Court.
(Supplementary Provisions) This Agreement is effective as of 1st February, 2021.
o que é Mikke?
Está surgindo um aplicativo de buscas multinacionais de clínicas médicas.
Este aplicativo poderá fazer buscas de clinicas médicas e hospitais perto da sua localização.
Conectamos pacientes multinacionais com médicos dispostos a ajudar
“Posso falar em inglês”
“Não posso línguas estrangeiras, mas posso ajudar os pacientes.”
“Gostaria de poder lhe ajudar”
Com aqueles médicos.
Poderá conectar os pacientes com este aplicativo.
Este aplicativo contém o apoio de muitos médicos.

Conceito de Mikke
Tudo começou com um pequeno problema enfrentado pelo estudante estrangeiro.
Eu não sei onde ir quando ficar doente.
Será que entenderão a minha lingua?
Gostaria de acolher todas as idéias.
Com este intuito nasceu o Mikke.
Foi projetado para que facilite a vida de todos.
Este aplicativo lista os médicos que atendem várias nacionalidades.As instituições médicas listadas foram investigadas de forma independente pela Help You.
Este aplicativo não é simplesmente um aplicativo informativo.
Cada colaborador foi minuciosamente acolhidos pelos voluntários da HELP YOU
Para que seja utilizado a qualquer momento que necessitar.
É um design simples com apenas as funções necessárias.
Esforcei em encontrar médicos pertos de você para lhe ajudar
Espero que esteja fácil de manusear
Por favor, coloque-o na tela do seu smartphone e use-o como um talismã.
Gostaria de ajudar sendo útil.
Gostaria da opinião de todos para sempre melhorarmos o nosso aplicativo
Se houver alguma sugestão não hesite de nos contactar
Nós desejamos que o Mikke ajude-os

Representante do Projeto Help You Masahiro Furuyama
Tradução para o inglês: André Pinto, Karin Nagamatsu e Towa Tochimaru
Tradução para o chinês: Yeyonglin, Ruyi Zhou
Tradução para o (português Br): Harumi Harada Devidé
Ilustração: OOKAMI TAHO
Equipe Hamamatsu: Eri Suganuma, Megumi Suzuki, Mariko Chiku, Azusa Iyoda, Hideto Goto, Harumi Harada Devide, Yuka Takahashi, Ayaka Sakai, Aika, Ayumi Sakaguchi, Ramanathan Subramanian, Iswarya Natrajan